Italian graphic designer that expresses his art from graphic illustration and music. He had the opportunity to collaborate in international projects with important figures in the musical and artistic world.


I work mostly with scrap paper from newspapers and magazines, creating collages, which all started early into lockdown of 2020, where I had to create within the limitations of material and equipment in my room. That is where I found my love for collage making and reusing paper and scrap materials. I see collage-making as a form of deconstructing existing stories and creating new narratives. It’s a simple medium, accessible by everyone. My challenge is to find unique concepts within this common method of creation

France digital artist that works with famous pics from the web to make art with them. He tries to develop differents concept in digital art but also in clothing line

Churro is a self-taught digital artist out of Fresno, California. His work is heavily inspired by cartoons, anime, and music. He expresses that he attempts to let pieces come together freely with the use of an open mind and, most importantly, a lot of colors


I am an illustrator based out of New Jersey. Graduated from the Savannah College of Art and Design, where I majored in both animation and fashion. During my studies, I traveled abroad and lived in Hong Kong for 2 years. It was there that my passion for Asian art and pop culture really started to influence my artwork. I have always had a love for anime but it only grew bigger during my time there. Everything from food packaging to graffiti was vibrant and colorful and created an atmosphere I truly fell in love with.  Although I am back in my hometown, the influence has stayed and can be found all throughout my work


Marco was born from the pictorial arts, to get to design, after studying graphic-communication. He lives in northern Italy and mainly his path is based on illustration and typographic study


Non-Binary digital artist from Florida, that makes colorful glitch art creating a wide variety of unique works and entity




Federico De Mattia, classe 1988, è un digital artist romano. Storico
dell’arte e dottore di ricerca in critica artistica, considera fondamentali
studio e riflessione critica al fine di un’efficace introspezione, destinata
a trasformarsi in una visione emotiva. Profondo amante della corrente
simbolista, individua nella dimensione onirico-erotica il principale
campo d’esplorazione. Spesso i suoi lavori partono da una selezione di
frame di filmati pornografici, stravolti sino a divenire “altro”, indagando
la sacralità della carnalità. La natura di per sé immateriale del veicolo
digitale risponde a questa stessa scelta poetica, attraverso un processo
di fotografia, foto-manipolazione e pittura digitale

Federico De Mattia, born in 1988, is a Roman digital artist. Historian
art historian and PhD in art criticism, he considers fundamental
study and critical reflection in order to an effective introspection, destined to become to turn into an emotional vision.
Deep lover of the current Symbolist current, identifies in the
oneiric-erotic dimension the main field of exploration.
Often his works start from a selection of frames of pornographic films, distorted until they become “other”, investigating the sacredness of carnality. The immaterial nature of the digital vehicle responds to this same poetic choice, through a process of photography, photo-manipulation andof photography, photo-manipulation and digital painting


Anna Matos is a visual artist from Brazil now based in Berlin, Germany. Her work focuses mainly on the interactions between the organic and the virtual self, and the visual representation of complex
psychological processes and metaphysical experiences through abstraction, symbolism, surrealism, and non-linear narratives. She creates dreamscapes that explore and transform the boundaries
between digital and analog, image and imagination, organic and artificial.

Using techniques that evokes a poetic, meditative or contemplative viewing experience, she creates subjects and themes that undergo a metamorphosis, warping and merging figures into dreamlike,
surreal compositions, combining traditional and digital techniques. Through this intuitive process it is possible to have a glimpse of the symbiotic dance between matter and data, organic and artificial,
human and machine


“Tyler Lynn Pulliam is a digital artist and musician from Decatur, IL. Drawing influence from glitch art, horror, psychedelic imagery, and abstract art, he creates self-portraits that are mutated and distorted into haunting visions of bad trips past. Producing spastic images and sounds, Tyler wants to create an atmosphere that emits hypnotic, yet discomforting vibes with his art and music.
Artists and creative personalities such as Francis Bacon, Francisco Goya, David Cronenberg, HP Lovecraft, and Junji Ito
helped mold the idea behind Tyler’s art into existence and are constant inspirations for him.”